Is Vitamin D Good for My Eyes?

Your body needs vitamins and minerals to function at its peak capacity, though if you’re like most people, it’s hard to remember which compounds help with which ailments. If you have questions about vitamin D and whether it’s good for your eye health in Brookhaven, GA, we’ll look at the facts.

Vitamin D and Eye Health

Vitamin D is very important for eye health, particularly if you’re at risk for glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. It can also improve tear function, which is important for staving off dry eye. Vitamin D is often associated with a lack of sunlight exposure, and it’s a common issue that affects around a seventh of the global population. In the US alone, around 40% of all adults have some type of vitamin D deficiency, and those numbers could be a lot higher.

What Affects Your Vitamin D Levels?

Vitamin D deficiencies tend to impact individuals over the age of 65. However, you’re also more likely to have it if you don’t eat a balanced diet, if you’re overweight, or if you’re not exercising enough. Medications can also impact your level of vitamin D. Besides vision deficiencies, other symptoms can include hair loss, muscle weakness, mood swings, or fatigue.

Find an Eye Doctor in Brookhaven, GA

One way to improve your vitamin D levels might be to take off your shade every once in a while. Of course, you may need some professional help determining what a healthy level of exposure is, as your eyes may need more protection than your friend’s or neighbor’s eyes. If you’re looking for an eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA, the staff at Brookleigh Family Eyecare is here to answer your questions about vitamin D and how it can help you see a little clearer.

What Increases the Risk of Permanent Vision Loss with a Glaucoma Diagnosis?

Have you received a glaucoma diagnosis in the past or suspect you need glaucoma treatment in Brookhaven, GA? You are definitely not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly three million people in the country have some type of glaucoma. Unfortunately, the disease has no cure and is the second-leading blindness cause in the world. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to reduce your chances of permanent vision loss even with a glaucoma diagnosis.

Not Monitoring the Condition Closely

Glaucoma monitoring is the absolute most important thing you can do to lower your risks of permanent vision loss. Glaucoma causes heightened pressure in the eye, which affects the optic nerve. Keeping this pressure as low as possible is the key to managing glaucoma. Through routine exams, the eye doctor can evaluate eye pressure and offer medications that reduce eye pressure.

Not Making Recommended Lifestyle Changes

Glaucoma risk is related to several conditions, diseases, and habits. In the beginning, when you are initially diagnosed with glaucoma, the eye doctor may offer recommendations regarding what habits you can change to reduce your risks of vision loss. For instance, the doctor may tell you that keeping your blood sugar stable is important so avoiding high-glycemia foods can help. Or, they may recommend that you quit smoking. Not adhering to this educated advice could elevate your risk of experiencing permanent vision damage.

Negating Optometric Attention When Symptoms Worsen

With glaucoma, any sudden change in your vision or eyesight should be evaluated by an eye doctor. For example, if you experience halos when you look at lights, there is a sudden point of blurriness, or your peripheral vision suddenly gets worse, these symptoms should be evaluated. Oftentimes, these are signs that eye pressure has heightened, so immediate intervention could prevent damage to the optic nerve.

Work with a Brookhaven Optometrist for Glaucoma Treatment

Without question, if you have obtained a glaucoma diagnosis, working with a Brookhaven, GA optometrist is important. At Brookleigh Family Eyecare, we offer comprehensive monitoring and treatment for glaucoma and other common eye diseases. Reach out to schedule an appointment.


How Can You Lower Risks of Glaucoma if You Are At Risk?

Some people are more at risk of developing glaucoma than others. However, even if you are at risk because you are African American, male, or have a family history, there may be things to do to lower your risks of needing glaucoma treatment in Brookhaven, GA later. Check out these tips to help you reduce the risks of developing glaucoma even if you do happen to have a higher risk.

Don’t smoke

People who are exposed to cigarette smoke may be as much as 70 percent more at risk of developing glaucoma, according to some studies. Therefore, if you are already at risk because of your ethnicity, gender, or family history, it is imperative that you don’t smoke and you do what you can to stay away from people who do.

Maintain a healthy body weight

People who are overweight may be more prone to glaucoma, even though the link between obesity and glaucoma is not well understood. Do what you can to maintain a healthy body weight to keep your risks as low as possible, and make sure you try to get in ample levels of exercise.

Eat a nutrient-rich diet

Certain nutrients found in food are extremely important for your visual health, especially if you feel you are at risk for glaucoma. For example, fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A and vitamin C are known to lower the risks of developing glaucoma. Calcium, zinc, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins are also important to make sure you include in your regular diet.

Get Your Eyes Screened for Glaucoma Regularly with a Brookhaven, GA Eye Doctor

Another important step to take if you know you have a heightened risk for glaucoma is to make sure you have your vision and eye health assessed regularly by a Brookhaven eye doctor. The earlier glaucoma is diagnosed, the more manageable it may be. Reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment for your annual eye exam.

Pre-Op Steps You’ll Likely Take Before Cataract Surgery

Cataracts could be deemed as one of the most common eye health conditions. Cataract surgery in Brookhaven is one of the most common procedures performed when it comes to optometric care. While the procedure is simple and consists of a brief recovery period, there may be a few steps that you need to take prior to the surgery. Here is a closer look at how you may need to get prepared for your upcoming cataract surgery.

Cataract Assessment Appointment

Before you are actually scheduled to get your cataract surgery, the eye doctor will want to do a thorough assessment of your condition. During the appointment, the doctor will:

  • Dilate your eyes to do a thorough exam of the eye’s structures and health
  • Measuring and calculating to find the precise location of the affected lens and note it in your charts
  • Performing an ocular health assessment

Medicated Eye Drop Regimen

Medicated eye drops are usually prescribed to you at your initial assessment with directions for starting the eye drop regimen by a certain date. These drops are important to help keep infections at bay as they are antibiotic drops specifically formulated to be used in the eyes.

Day-of Cataract Surgery

On the day of your cataract surgery, you may be told to avoid food or water and limit your intake of certain medications. Some medications can interfere with things like moisture levels in your eyes or even pupil dilation, both of which are important for a successful procedure.

Work with a Brookhaven Eye Doctor for Your Cataracts

Cataracts can get in the way of you seeing the world around you, but the surgery is straightforward and highly successful for most patients. If you have cataracts and need a Brookhaven eye doctor for help, reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment.

What Causes Eye Twitching?

Have you ever experienced involuntary eye movement? Eye twitches are very common, but they are always unwelcome and sometimes distracting. For the most part, eye twitching is a temporary nuisance. But if you experience eye twitching fairly frequently, you may want to know some of the causes so you can avoid them.

Too Much Caffeine

If you love drinking coffee or guzzling sugary soft drinks on a regular basis, this could explain why you are suffering from eye twitching. Ingesting too much caffeine in a short period of time has been linked to more frequent episodes of eye twitching..

Being Tired

When you are very tired, this also increases your chances of having eye twitches. Known as an ocular myokymia, this simply means that the facial muscles responsible for opening and closing your eyelids are also tired, which can lead to involuntary eye twitching. Consult with your Brookhaven, GA eye doctor for more information about ocular myokymia.

Excess Stress

When you are under a tremendous amount of stress, this may also lead to you developing an eye twitch. To lessen the twitching, you should consider finding ways to alleviate stress in your life. Reaction to Medication

In some situations, your eye twitching may be linked to a reaction your body is having to certain medications. Should this be the case, talk to your doctor about changing your medication.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Finally, eye twitching may also result from certain medical conditions. In fact, people who have suffered a stroke or have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or various nervous system disorders may suffer from eye twitching more than others.

While most eye twitching is not serious and goes away on its own, other times it may become a larger problem than you expected. If eye twitching has become a problem in your life, consult with your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA for possible treatment options.

Can Vitamins Reduce Risks or Treat Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is considered one of the most worrisome eye diseases because the condition is most likely to lead to significant loss of vision. There is no cure for glaucoma, but working with an eye doctor for glaucoma management in Brookhaven is still important.

Some Supplements May Slow Glaucoma Progression

If you believe you are at risk of glaucoma, taking certain vitamins may be of benefit. For example, some evidence points to vitamin B as a good source to reduce the risks. If you already have glaucoma, taking antioxidants or vitamin C may help. However, the research on both of these topics is lacking so far.

Scientific Evidence Is Lacking

While you may come across supplements advertised as glaucoma cures or otherwise, be leery of such claims. Some supplements and even some herbs do hold promise in the management of glaucoma, but the research has yet to be clearly defined.

Vitamins for Your Eyes Is Always a Good Idea, With or Without Glaucoma

Even though you probably won’t be able to stop or slow glaucoma with vitamins or supplements, taking vitamins that are good for your visual health is never a bad idea. If you do not eat a well-balanced diet, you can be at greater risk of a lot of problems with your eye health. If you have questions about which supplements would offer you the best support for your current visual health status, discuss options with your Brookleigh eye doctor.

Talk to a Brookhaven Eye Doctor About Glaucoma

The best chance of deterring vision loss when you have been diagnosed with glaucoma is to work closely with an eye doctor to monitor the progression of the condition and make lifestyle changes. If you believe you are at risk of glaucoma and need a Brookhaven eye doctor to help, reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare.

Are False Eyelashes Bad For the Eyes?

Your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA wants you to have the healthiest eyes possible. When you wear false eyelashes, you may be inadvertently inflicting damage on the delicate tissue around your eyes. Here’s what you need to know about wearing false eyelashes and caring for your eyes.

What Are False Eyelashes?

False eyelashes are any kind of lashes that are not natural to your eyes. This includes single lashes, clumps of single lashes, and bands of eyelashes. In some cases, false eyelashes are adhered to using a magnetic strip. But the most common kind of false eyelashes is adhered to the eyes using a certain type of adhesive. False eyelashes also vary by the type of material used for the lashes themselves. Some false eyelashes are made with inexpensive materials such as nylon fibers. Other, more expensive eyelashes, are made using the actual fur strands from animals such as sable and mink.

The Dangers of False Eyelash Materials

You should be careful about what kind of false eyelashes you purchase. If you must wear false eyelashes, then strive to purchase only quality lashes from a reputable company. While there are many cheap alternatives available online, in general, you will be better off with higher-quality lashes from a brand you trust. The dangers lie in the materials used. Cheap lashes may be made of materials that make the false lash fall easily off of the little strip holding it in place. That poses a danger of getting a synthetic material–the false lash–in your eye. If this happens, get help through your eye doctor in Brookhaven. Another danger is using cheap adhesive. The chemical nature of the adhesive could threaten the health of your eye if it melts easily and drips, or gets into your eye another way.

If you have any problem with your false eyelashes, please contact your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA. We’re here to help!

4 Kinds of Prescription Eyeglasses You Didn’t Know You Could Get

When you think of prescription eyewear, it’s likely you are only thinking of traditional glasses. However, as technology has made its way into the optical world, prescription eyewear goes far beyond what was available only a few years ago. If you’re ready to find out about the types of prescription eyewear you didn’t know you could get, here are four that are sure to surprise you.

1. Blue Light Glasses

Also known as computer glasses, blue light glasses are very popular with millennials who spend much of their time staring at computers and smartphones. Effective at preventing eye strain, they also help regulate your sleep schedule.

2. Sunglasses

While in years past most people just grabbed a pair of sunglasses off a rack in a drugstore, times have certainly changed. In today’s eyewear world, prescription sunglasses are all the rage. Available with UV protection treatment or polarized lenses, prescription sunglasses are great if you spend lots of time outdoors.

3. Safety Glasses

If you work in a job that requires eye protection, you don’t need to worry about trying to fit some cheap pair of plastic goggles over your existing glasses. Instead, you can opt for safety glasses with prescription lenses. Now able to be placed into frames that more closely resemble traditional glasses, these are ideal if you work in a lab setting, manufacturing environment, or other jobs where eye protection is required.

4. Snorkeling Goggles

Finally, if you love to scuba dive, you can even get your snorkeling goggles outfitted with prescription lenses. By doing so, you’ll be much safer during your underwater excursion, and will also be able to better appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

If you are in need of these or other types of specialty glasses, schedule an appointment today with us to find out more.


Eyelid Chalazion Removal Surgery: Patient FAQs

Chalazion are painless bumps on the eyelid that may result from a stye or some type of eyelid infection. While these formations oftentimes go away on their own with home treatment, the lums do occasionally have to be surgically removed. You may need chalazion removal surgery if the bump is continually growing, is pressing against your eye, or is interfering with your vision.

How long will the procedure take?

Chalazion removal surgery is a relatively quick procedure and is usually performed right in the eye doctor’s office. The eye doctor will numb the eyelid with a local anesthetic, and then make a tiny incision to excise the interior sac that has formed. Usually, the procedure only takes a few minutes as long as there are no issues.

Does chalazion removal surgery hurt?

As stated, you will be numbed before the procedure. Therefore, you should not feel any real pain during the removal process. Naturally, getting a shot in your eyelid to numb the area will cause some discomfort, as the eyelid can be a sensitive area of skin.

What does aftercare involve?

After your surgery, you will be given guidance from the eye doctor about caring for the small incision. You will likely be given a topical antibiotic ointment to apply to the area and should try to keep the area clean as it heals. You may have some slight bruising of the eyelid through the healing process and you may experience a bit of swelling. Cool compresses can help.

Talk to a Brookhaven Eye Doctor About Chalazion Removal

While a chalazion may not be an extremely concerning eye health issue, the problem should be examined by an eye doctor. Reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare in Brookhaven, Georgia if you have what you believe to be a chalazion on your eyelid.