Preventing Recurrence of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide. Characterized by damage to the optic nerve, glaucoma is associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). This is a buildup of pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma can lead to progressive and permanent vision loss if not adequately managed. While there are several strategies to prevent its progression or recurrence, it’s not possible to reverse the damage caused by glaucoma. Because of this, it’s especially important to do everything possible to prevent the recurrence of glaucoma once it’s been diagnosed and treated the first time.

Early Detection and Regular Monitoring

The cornerstone of preventing glaucoma recurrence is early detection and consistent monitoring. Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial to detect changes in eye pressure and the optic nerve before significant vision loss occurs. For those individuals who are in higher risk groups for glaucoma in Brookhaven, GA, more frequent exams are recommended.

Adherence to Medication Guidelines

For many patients, topical eye drops are prescribed to lower IOP. Adherence to prescribed medication regimens is essential in preventing the progression of glaucoma. Non-adherence can lead to fluctuating eye pressures, which may actually increase the risk of optic nerve damage.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can also play a role in preventing a recurrence of glaucoma. It’s important to engage in regular, moderate exercise, as that has been shown to reduce IOP in some individuals. A healthy diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids may also help keep a recurrence of glaucoma at bay. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to prevent another recurrence of glaucoma.

Be sure to visit your optometrist in Brookhaven, GA, as often as needed to detect any new glaucoma signs early. At Brookleigh Family Eyecare, we’re ready to help with glaucoma prevention and treatment. Contact us today to book your appointment.

How Can You Tell If You Have Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye condition that can have tragic consequences because the ultimate end result of glaucoma is vision loss. However, many people who have glaucoma are able to save their vision because of medical therapies that slow the process that causes vision loss. This is why it’s so important to catch glaucoma in its early stages: because early treatment can stop blindness from happening.

Knowing the symptoms of glaucoma and how to tell if you have glaucoma is important. Here’s what you need to know.

Symptoms of Glaucoma

For patients who have certain types of glaucoma, there are no symptoms in the early stages. The first noticeable symptoms involve permanent damage to vision. However, for some types of glaucoma, here’s what to look for:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Eye pain
  • Eye redness
  • Halos around lights

How to Tell if You Have Glaucoma

Since some types of glaucoma involve no symptoms until loss of vision begins, the best way to tell whether you have glaucoma is to rely on your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA. Seeing your eye doctor to determine whether you have glaucoma is important. During comprehensive vision exams, your eye doctor will dilate your pupils and look in your eyes for evidence of an eye condition.

How often you should see the eye doctor depends on your age and risk factors. To find out how often you should come in for an eye exam, ask your eye doctor.

What to Do if You’re Diagnosed

If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, it’s important to begin glaucoma treatment in Brookhaven, GA as soon as possible. Glaucoma treatment can help save your vision. At Brookleigh Family Eyecare, we provide glaucoma treatment to help our patients dealing with this difficult disease. To get started, call today to make an appointment and see our eye professionals.

What Increases the Risk of Permanent Vision Loss with a Glaucoma Diagnosis?

Have you received a glaucoma diagnosis in the past or suspect you need glaucoma treatment in Brookhaven, GA? You are definitely not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly three million people in the country have some type of glaucoma. Unfortunately, the disease has no cure and is the second-leading blindness cause in the world. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to reduce your chances of permanent vision loss even with a glaucoma diagnosis.

Not Monitoring the Condition Closely

Glaucoma monitoring is the absolute most important thing you can do to lower your risks of permanent vision loss. Glaucoma causes heightened pressure in the eye, which affects the optic nerve. Keeping this pressure as low as possible is the key to managing glaucoma. Through routine exams, the eye doctor can evaluate eye pressure and offer medications that reduce eye pressure.

Not Making Recommended Lifestyle Changes

Glaucoma risk is related to several conditions, diseases, and habits. In the beginning, when you are initially diagnosed with glaucoma, the eye doctor may offer recommendations regarding what habits you can change to reduce your risks of vision loss. For instance, the doctor may tell you that keeping your blood sugar stable is important so avoiding high-glycemia foods can help. Or, they may recommend that you quit smoking. Not adhering to this educated advice could elevate your risk of experiencing permanent vision damage.

Negating Optometric Attention When Symptoms Worsen

With glaucoma, any sudden change in your vision or eyesight should be evaluated by an eye doctor. For example, if you experience halos when you look at lights, there is a sudden point of blurriness, or your peripheral vision suddenly gets worse, these symptoms should be evaluated. Oftentimes, these are signs that eye pressure has heightened, so immediate intervention could prevent damage to the optic nerve.

Work with a Brookhaven Optometrist for Glaucoma Treatment

Without question, if you have obtained a glaucoma diagnosis, working with a Brookhaven, GA optometrist is important. At Brookleigh Family Eyecare, we offer comprehensive monitoring and treatment for glaucoma and other common eye diseases. Reach out to schedule an appointment.


Should I Be Worried About Glaucoma?

Your glaucoma risk increases as you age. While not everyone should spend their day worrying whether they have glaucoma, it is good to know who’s more at risk. If you’re over the age of 60, or if you’re of African-American descent and over the age of 40, you should have regular glaucoma screenings. Also, those with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or a family history of glaucoma must be more alert. If you’re Asian or Hispanic, you may be more at risk, as well. Lastly, if you use steroids or have suffered eye injury in the past, you should schedule a screening. Your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA, can answer all your questions regarding this degenerative eye disease.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world. It’s actually a group of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve and lead to vision loss if not properly managed. If you have early-stage glaucoma, you may have no symptoms. This is why it’s so important to have regular glaucoma screenings if you fit into a high-risk group. If you do experience symptoms, they may include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Hazy vision
  • Headaches
  • Floaters
  • Patchy vision
  • Tunnel vision

Talk with your eye doctor if you’re worried about glaucoma. It’s easy to test for and diagnose this condition.

How Does My Eye Doctor Test for Glaucoma?

An ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive eye exam to test for glaucoma. This includes a series of tests that include:

  • Tonometry — uses a brief puff of wind
  • Pachymetry — measures the thickness of your cornea
  • Perimetry — measures your peripheral vision
  • Dilated eye exam — allows your ophthalmologist to see your optic nerve up close
  • Gonioscopy — measures the angle between your iris and cornea

There is currently no cure for glaucoma, but this condition is easily managed to prevent further vision loss. Schedule a glaucoma screening in Brookhaven, GA, today by calling Brookleigh Family Eyecare.

How Can You Lower Risks of Glaucoma if You Are At Risk?

Some people are more at risk of developing glaucoma than others. However, even if you are at risk because you are African American, male, or have a family history, there may be things to do to lower your risks of needing glaucoma treatment in Brookhaven, GA later. Check out these tips to help you reduce the risks of developing glaucoma even if you do happen to have a higher risk.

Don’t smoke

People who are exposed to cigarette smoke may be as much as 70 percent more at risk of developing glaucoma, according to some studies. Therefore, if you are already at risk because of your ethnicity, gender, or family history, it is imperative that you don’t smoke and you do what you can to stay away from people who do.

Maintain a healthy body weight

People who are overweight may be more prone to glaucoma, even though the link between obesity and glaucoma is not well understood. Do what you can to maintain a healthy body weight to keep your risks as low as possible, and make sure you try to get in ample levels of exercise.

Eat a nutrient-rich diet

Certain nutrients found in food are extremely important for your visual health, especially if you feel you are at risk for glaucoma. For example, fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A and vitamin C are known to lower the risks of developing glaucoma. Calcium, zinc, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins are also important to make sure you include in your regular diet.

Get Your Eyes Screened for Glaucoma Regularly with a Brookhaven, GA Eye Doctor

Another important step to take if you know you have a heightened risk for glaucoma is to make sure you have your vision and eye health assessed regularly by a Brookhaven eye doctor. The earlier glaucoma is diagnosed, the more manageable it may be. Reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment for your annual eye exam.

Can Vitamins Reduce Risks or Treat Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is considered one of the most worrisome eye diseases because the condition is most likely to lead to significant loss of vision. There is no cure for glaucoma, but working with an eye doctor for glaucoma management in Brookhaven is still important.

Some Supplements May Slow Glaucoma Progression

If you believe you are at risk of glaucoma, taking certain vitamins may be of benefit. For example, some evidence points to vitamin B as a good source to reduce the risks. If you already have glaucoma, taking antioxidants or vitamin C may help. However, the research on both of these topics is lacking so far.

Scientific Evidence Is Lacking

While you may come across supplements advertised as glaucoma cures or otherwise, be leery of such claims. Some supplements and even some herbs do hold promise in the management of glaucoma, but the research has yet to be clearly defined.

Vitamins for Your Eyes Is Always a Good Idea, With or Without Glaucoma

Even though you probably won’t be able to stop or slow glaucoma with vitamins or supplements, taking vitamins that are good for your visual health is never a bad idea. If you do not eat a well-balanced diet, you can be at greater risk of a lot of problems with your eye health. If you have questions about which supplements would offer you the best support for your current visual health status, discuss options with your Brookleigh eye doctor.

Talk to a Brookhaven Eye Doctor About Glaucoma

The best chance of deterring vision loss when you have been diagnosed with glaucoma is to work closely with an eye doctor to monitor the progression of the condition and make lifestyle changes. If you believe you are at risk of glaucoma and need a Brookhaven eye doctor to help, reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare.