Entries by Dr. Doug Anania

Is Vitamin D Good for My Eyes?

Your body needs vitamins and minerals to function at its peak capacity, though if you’re like most people, it’s hard to remember which compounds help with which ailments. If you have questions about vitamin D and whether it’s good for your eye health in Brookhaven, GA, we’ll look at the facts. Vitamin D and Eye Health […]

We Support You Before and After LASIK Surgery

People sometimes grow tired of wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses and opt to have LASIK surgery to restore crisp, sharp vision. The decision to pursue LASIK surgery is a big one that includes both pre and post-op laser examinations in Brookhaven, GA. These examinations are necessary to ensure that you have a successful procedure. […]

What’s the Recovery Process After Cataract Surgery?

If you’ve been scheduled for cataract surgery in Brookhaven, GA, you’ll want to know as much about the process as possible, including what to expect with the recovery process. What to Know About Cataract Surgery Cataract surgery is a common procedure that’s been safely done on millions of people worldwide. While the recovery process is […]

Cataracts are Common and Treatable

Many people struggle withcataracts in Brookhaven, GA, especially as they get older. The symptoms can be distressing when you are unsure what is happening, but the good news is that you can enjoy close-to-normal vision again by undergoing a simple outpatient surgery. Even if your diagnosis is something other than cataracts, we encourage you to […]

Preventing Recurrence of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide. Characterized by damage to the optic nerve, glaucoma is associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). This is a buildup of pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma can lead to progressive and permanent vision loss if not adequately managed. While there are several strategies to prevent […]

3 Things to Know About Plastic Rim Glasses

Plastic-rim glasses are very popular right now! If you’ve never worn plastic-rim glasses before, it’s important to know how they differ from wire-rim glasses. If you need glasses in Brookhaven, GA, it’s important to get your glasses from an eye care office you can trust. At Brookleigh Family Eye Care, we can help you find the […]

What to Expect from a Pre-Op Laser Exam

LASIK surgery can have a number of benefits for anyone who struggles with vision impairments. However, any kind of surgical procedure entails several steps, which can put people off from starting the process in the first place. If you have questions or concerns about the surgery, particularly if you’re nervous about the preparation, we’ll look […]

Do You Have Cataracts? 6 Signs and What to Do

Cataracts can impact your ability to see clearly and, over time, can cause blindness. It’s essential to be aware when you have cataracts so you can take steps to ensure that you can see as clearly as possible. Your eye doctor Brookhaven, GA can prescribe glasses to help you see more clearly, if needed. Once your cataracts […]

Can Trauma Cause a Detached Retina?

If you have a detached retina in Brookhaven, GA, it’s essential to get immediate help from your optometrist. A detached retina is a serious condition where the retina becomes partially or completely detached from the wall of the eye. If not treated quickly, it can result in vision loss. What Happens With a Retinal Detachment? Your […]