What’s the Recovery Process After Cataract Surgery?

If you’ve been scheduled for cataract surgery in Brookhaven, GA, you’ll want to know as much about the process as possible, including what to expect with the recovery process.

What to Know About Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is a common procedure that’s been safely done on millions of people worldwide. While the recovery process is basically straightforward, it’s always helpful to carefully follow your eye doctor’s instructions so that your recovery goes as smoothly as possible, with expected results.

Recovery Process After Cataract Surgery
Immediately following your cataract surgery, the anesthesia will begin to wear off. The staff will carefully monitor you to ensure there are no complications. Most patients return home within a few hours, but you should have a friend or loved one pick you up and drive you home.

You’ll be provided with a pair of dark sunglasses to protect your eyes, and you should wear them as long as your eye doctor tells you to, which may be several days, even indoors. You may experience some mild discomfort or a sensation of itchiness or grittiness in the eyes. Don’t be alarmed if your vision is blurry or distorted. This is normal during the adjustment period.

Helping With Recovery
During your recovery period:

Try to abstain from drinking and smoking, as these will delay the body’s healing process.
Avoid heavy exercise, water sports, lifting, and bending over.
Use prescribed eye drops as instructed.
Attend all follow-up appointments.
You may expect your normal vision to return within a few days or weeks after cataract surgery.

Talk to your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA, for more information about what you can expect from cataract surgery. The more informed you are, the more comfortable you’ll be, and the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy clear vision again!

Cataracts are Common and Treatable

Many people struggle withcataracts in Brookhaven, GA, especially as they get older. The symptoms can be distressing when you are unsure what is happening, but the good news is that you can enjoy close-to-normal vision again by undergoing a simple outpatient surgery. Even if your diagnosis is something other than cataracts, we encourage you to contact Brookleigh Family Eye Care as soon as possible if you recognize any of the symptoms below.

Typical Cataract Symptoms

Clouded or blurry vision is often the first sign that you have experienced a visual change. Other symptoms to look for include:

  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Eye pain
  • Headaches
  • New sensitivity to bright lights and glare
  • Requiring brighter light to read or see objects clearly
  • Seeing halos or floaters when you look at lights
  • Some objects appear yellow or faded as you lose visual sharpness

Please do not hesitate to schedule an exam with Dr. Doug Anania or Dr. Jessica Reynolds at the first sign of any visual changes. Delaying coming in for an exam because you think the symptoms might go away alone could worsen the problem.

What to Expect During Cataract Surgery

Approximately one week before your surgery, Dr. Anania or Dr. Reynolds will measure the size and shape of your eyes via ultrasound. You will also have an intraocular lens (IOL) implanted in each eye to focus light towards the back of your eye.

The outpatient surgery takes less than one hour. Your doctor dilates your pupils with eye drops and gives you pain medication before starting. The next step is to remove the clouded lens in each eye and replace it with a clear lens.

We understand that you probably have additional questions aboutcataracts in Brookhaven, Georgia. Please feel free to schedule a consultation to learn more about this procedure.

Cataracts in Brookhaven GA

Do You Have Cataracts? 6 Signs and What to Do

Cataracts can impact your ability to see clearly and, over time, can cause blindness. It’s essential to be aware when you have cataracts so you can take steps to ensure that you can see as clearly as possible. Your eye doctor Brookhaven, GA can prescribe glasses to help you see more clearly, if needed. Once your cataracts progress, you may need surgery.

What Are Cataracts?

A cataract is a cloudy film inside the lens of the eye. Cataracts often start off very light and are difficult to detect. Over time, cataracts become more apparent until they’ve caused blindness.

Signs You Have Cataracts

Below are some of the signs that you have cataracts.

  1. Colors look faded or yellowish
  2. You can see halos around lights
  3. Your vision is blurry or even cloudy
  4. Double vision
  5. Difficulty with night vision
  6. Headlights and sunlight often seem too bright

What To Do About Cataracts

Until your cataracts impact your quality of life or prevent you from driving and doing other activities, your eye doctor may take a “wait and see” approach. Stronger prescription lenses can help keep your vision clear. Once your cataracts have advanced enough that you’re having a hard time doing things you need to do, your eye doctor may recommend surgery for your cataracts in Brookhaven, GA.

Therefore, if you suspect you’re noticing the signs and suspect you have cataracts, your professional at Brookleigh Family Eyecare can help. Make an appointment for an eye exam. We can help you determine whether you have cataracts. If you do, we’ll help you determine what kind of treatment you need to maintain your quality of life.

How to Prevent Recurring Cataracts  

Cataracts can be treated by your optometrist in Brookhaven, GA. Once the procedure is complete, you can enjoy clear vision again. But it’s important to know that cataracts aren’t necessarily a one-time occurrence. Cataracts can and do develop again, particularly if the underlying cause for the original occurrence is not addressed.

How to Prevent Recurring Cataracts

There are some things that you can do to reduce the chances of having cataracts return. They include:

Rely on a Quality Optometrist

The first step is to make sure your original cataracts are treated by a skilled and experienced optometrist. Poor quality eye surgery is actually a risk factor for developing cataracts.

Improve Lifestyle

While many people believe that age is the biggest reason why cataracts develop, lifestyle does play a part. You can improve your odds of avoiding a recurrence by:

  • eat wholesome meals that include lots of nutrient-rich ingredients
  • quit smoking/vaping/chewing tobacco
  • include some form of exercise in your daily routine
  • reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol
  • reduce exposure to blue light from screens
  • get care for health conditions such as diabetes, etc.
  • wear UV-ray blocking sunglasses when outdoors, even on cloudy days.

Have Regular Eye Exams

The early stages of cataract development aren’t always obvious to the person. With regular eye exams, your optometrist has a greater chance of early detection of eye problems, including cataracts. For older persons prone to developing cataracts, six month eye exams may be recommended. Consult with your eye doctor for a precise recommendation of a schedule of eye exams that pertains to your unique circumstances.

If you are worried about developing cataracts in Brookhaven, GA, you should contact your optometrist to learn more about this treatable condition. Once you have cataracts, the odds are greater that they may happen again. However, by making certain changes, you may actually be able to prevent cataracts from developing again. Get in touch today to book an appointment.


Understanding Cataracts and How Surgery Can Help

The term cataracts refers to cloudiness in the lens of an eye that was previously clear. Having cloudy vision can make it difficult to complete everyday tasks like driving and reading. Some people with cataracts even report difficulty with seeing and understanding facial expressions.

While you may be able to get by with increasing the lighting or getting a stronger eyeglasses prescription, you will most likely end up needing surgery to correct the problem. Cataract surgery is one of the most common eye surgeries in the United States. Brookleigh Family Eyecare is pleased to offer pre-op and post-op services for cataracts in Brookhaven, GA.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Cataracts?

Cloudy or blurred vision that develops slowly over time is the most universal symptom of cataracts. Here are several others:

  • Colors appear yellow or faded
  • Double vision in just one eye
  • Frequent prescription changes for eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Increased difficulty driving at night
  • Increased sensitivity to light and glare
  • Need to turn on brighter lights when reading or using the computer
  • Noticing halos surrounding lights more frequently

Aging is the leading cause of cataracts, and you may not notice any changes in your vision when you first start developing them. However, the changes will be impossible to ignore after a while. We recommend scheduling an eye exam at our Brookhaven eye clinic right away if you notice one or more of the above symptoms.

Brookleigh Family Eyecare Can Help Before and After Surgery

Your optometrist will complete a dilated eye exam before surgery to ensure your eyes are healthy enough to withstand the procedure. You will also receive instructions about what to expect during surgery. Approximately one to two weeks after surgery, you will see your eye doctor to check your healing process.

Please contact us to schedule an exam or with additional questions about cataracts in Brookhaven, GA.

Can I Drive If I Have Cataracts?

Cataracts can impact everyday activities like reading, walking and even driving. One of the common questions that people ask when they first find out they have cataracts is to ask whether they can drive. This is a good question for your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA. At Brookleigh Family Eyecare, we can help you determine the severity of your cataracts and whether it’s time for treatment. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Are Cataracts?

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. Often, cataracts develop slowly and the way they interfere with visual acuity is minimal at the beginning. It’s only after cataracts become severe that they start to interfere with daily activities. 

Can You Drive With Cataracts?

Many people continue to drive even after they’re diagnosed with cataracts, as long as their eye doctor says that they can. If you drive a car and have been diagnosed with cataracts, it’s important to find out from your eye doctor whether your cataracts are severe enough to prevent you from driving.

Your eye doctor may tell you that you can still drive, but may recommend a change in corrective lens prescription. Sometimes a small change in your corrective lens prescription can make a big difference – until the cataracts begin to worsen. 

How Can Cataracts Affect My Driving?

Severe cataracts can prevent people who drive from seeing street signs, other cars and the road itself. When you have cataracts, objects may look blurry, headlight glare can be more intense, double vision may become a problem and night vision may be worse overall. 

Don’t let cataracts get in the way of your everyday life and activities. Contact Brookleigh Family Eyecare for cataract treatment in Brookhaven GA. Make an appointment today. 


Post-Cataract Removal Surgery – Common FAQs

Cataracts can cloud your vision and lower your quality of life, but treatment is effective and a good option for most patients. Cataract surgery in Brookhaven, GA is common, highly successful, and relatively simple when it comes to recovery for the patient. Here are a few questions you may have about what post-cataract removal surgery will be like and what to expect.

Will I be in pain after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery in itself is not a painful procedure, but you can have a little discomfort once the numbing eye drops wear off once you get home. Most patients experience a bit of burning or stinging, and maybe even what feels like a little pressure in the eye. However, the eye tends to heal relatively quickly, and the discomfort should subside quickly.

How long will it be before I can see after cataract surgery?

You will still be able to see after cataract surgery, but you may not be able to see much better until around three days after surgery. Your vision can also gradually improve as the eye heals, which can take several weeks to occur. Nevertheless, most patients see a clear improvement in their vision after just a few days.

How can I support fast recovery after cataract surgery?

The first few days after surgery will be critical to your healing. A few things to avoid during this time include:

  • Driving
  • Bending over
  • Sneezing, if possible
  • Using a computer or staring at a screen for long periods
  • Lifting or straining

Beyond those first few days, make sure you avoid doing any kind of strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few weeks.

Ready to Find the Right Cataract Treatment from a Brookhaven Eye Doctor?

Cataract treatment from an eye doctor in Brookhaven can change your life for the better. Reach out to us at Brokkleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment to discuss cataract treatment.

Pre-Op Steps You’ll Likely Take Before Cataract Surgery

Cataracts could be deemed as one of the most common eye health conditions. Cataract surgery in Brookhaven is one of the most common procedures performed when it comes to optometric care. While the procedure is simple and consists of a brief recovery period, there may be a few steps that you need to take prior to the surgery. Here is a closer look at how you may need to get prepared for your upcoming cataract surgery.

Cataract Assessment Appointment

Before you are actually scheduled to get your cataract surgery, the eye doctor will want to do a thorough assessment of your condition. During the appointment, the doctor will:

  • Dilate your eyes to do a thorough exam of the eye’s structures and health
  • Measuring and calculating to find the precise location of the affected lens and note it in your charts
  • Performing an ocular health assessment

Medicated Eye Drop Regimen

Medicated eye drops are usually prescribed to you at your initial assessment with directions for starting the eye drop regimen by a certain date. These drops are important to help keep infections at bay as they are antibiotic drops specifically formulated to be used in the eyes.

Day-of Cataract Surgery

On the day of your cataract surgery, you may be told to avoid food or water and limit your intake of certain medications. Some medications can interfere with things like moisture levels in your eyes or even pupil dilation, both of which are important for a successful procedure.

Work with a Brookhaven Eye Doctor for Your Cataracts

Cataracts can get in the way of you seeing the world around you, but the surgery is straightforward and highly successful for most patients. If you have cataracts and need a Brookhaven eye doctor for help, reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment.

After Cataract Surgery: How to Prepare for Recovery and What to Expect

Cataract surgery can make a major change for someone who has had their vision affected by this common problem. Here is a look at some of the things you can expect after surgery.

What to Expect Immediately After Cataract Surgery

Right after cataract surgery, you will talk to the doctor at the hospital or place of surgery before you go home. You will not be able to see very clearly out of the eye that the surgery was performed on; that is normal. This is why it is important that you have someone with you to drive you home. You may find it uncomfortable to have your eye exposed to light, so the medical staff may have you wearing a patch over the eye or dark sunglasses. Most people are home within hours of having the surgery.

Avoiding Problems Once You Get Home

When you do get home, it is a good idea to just sit and relax with your eyes closed for a little while. Your eye will need time to adjust to the newly placed lens, so trying to focus on anything like the television or a computer screen may be a bit uncomfortable. You may have a little discomfort, itching, or inflammation of the eye. make sure you avoid any strenuous activity in those first few days after surgery.

Stay Alert to Signs of Problems

Even though cataract surgery is considered to be one of the most effective and successful types of surgery, occasionally, some patients do have problems even though it is a rarity. It is good to know the signs that something is wrong so you can immediately reach out to the eye doctor for advice. A few signs that something could be wrong include:

  • Swelling and inflammation that persists beyond a few days
  • Severe itching sensations in the eye that don’t start to get better
  • Excessive pain or pressure in the eye that seems to be getting worse

It is also worth noting that a bit of blurry vision and lack of focus after cataract surgery is normal. However, you should see your vision clear up progressively as time passes. If you are not seeing improvements, it is best to speak to your doctor.

With a little prior planning and knowing what to expect, cataract surgery can be a seamless process. Reach out to us at Brookleigh Family Eyecare to schedule an appointment if you believe you have cataracts.