What Causes Eye Twitching?

Have you ever experienced involuntary eye movement? Eye twitches are very common, but they are always unwelcome and sometimes distracting. For the most part, eye twitching is a temporary nuisance. But if you experience eye twitching fairly frequently, you may want to know some of the causes so you can avoid them.

Too Much Caffeine

If you love drinking coffee or guzzling sugary soft drinks on a regular basis, this could explain why you are suffering from eye twitching. Ingesting too much caffeine in a short period of time has been linked to more frequent episodes of eye twitching..

Being Tired

When you are very tired, this also increases your chances of having eye twitches. Known as an ocular myokymia, this simply means that the facial muscles responsible for opening and closing your eyelids are also tired, which can lead to involuntary eye twitching. Consult with your Brookhaven, GA eye doctor for more information about ocular myokymia.

Excess Stress

When you are under a tremendous amount of stress, this may also lead to you developing an eye twitch. To lessen the twitching, you should consider finding ways to alleviate stress in your life. Reaction to Medication

In some situations, your eye twitching may be linked to a reaction your body is having to certain medications. Should this be the case, talk to your doctor about changing your medication.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Finally, eye twitching may also result from certain medical conditions. In fact, people who have suffered a stroke or have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or various nervous system disorders may suffer from eye twitching more than others.

While most eye twitching is not serious and goes away on its own, other times it may become a larger problem than you expected. If eye twitching has become a problem in your life, consult with your eye doctor in Brookhaven, GA for possible treatment options.

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